Do you know

  1. Quincy Market is the very first project of Mayor Quincy when he was elected as the mayor.
  2. Rotunda of Quincy MarketMayor Quincy requested not to name the marketplace after him and therefore Faneuil Market is always the official name of the market.  To honour the mayour, people name the middle market “Quincy Hall”.
  3. Quincy Market is the only double elliptical dome of Delorme construction in the U.S.
  4. The rosette at the ceiling of the dome, which provides a focal point for the rotunda, is one of the very few surviving decoration element of Alexander Parris’ interior architectural design.
  5. Quincy Market is one of the first festival marketplace in the U.S. to revitalise downtown area of the major cities.  Its success leads to subsequent marketplaces to be built, including New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Miami and Baltimore.
  6. Quincy Market was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966.
  7. Quincy Market is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places as a contributing structure to the Quincy Market National Register District. The listing provides protection for the construction from any federal, federally-licensed or federally-assisted actions.